Why Assets Will Crash
This is how it happens that boats that were once worth tens of thousands of dollars are set adrift by owners who can no longer afford to pay slip fees.The increasing concentration of the ownership of wealth/assets in the top 10% has an under-appreciate…
VIEW POSTOur Inevitable Collapse: We Can’t Save a Fragile Economy With Bailouts That Increase Fragility
By bailing out the sources of systemic fragility with trillions of dollars, the Fed has shifted the risk to the entire financial system and the nation’s currency.That the global economy is fragile is painfully obvious to all. What is less obvious …
VIEW POSTThe Pandemic Is Deepening America’s Many Divides
And so we’ve reached the precarious state of disunion in which the only thing the warring elites can agree upon is that the Federal Reserve should rescue their private wealth, regardless of cost or consequences.America’s divides are proliferating and d…
VIEW POSTWith Superfluous Demand in Free-Fall, What’s the Upside of Re-Opening a Small Business?
Since superfluous demand was the core driver of most consumer spending, and that demand is in free-fall, what’s the upside of re-opening?The mainstream view assumes everyone will be gripped by an absolutely rabid desire to return to their pre…
VIEW POSTThe Crash Has Only Just Begun
Everything, including a rational, connected-to-reality, effective financial system, is on back-order and unlikely to ship any time soon.While the stock market euphorically front-runs the Fed and a V-shaped recovery, the reality is the crash has only ju…
VIEW POSTNo, This Is Not Another 1929, 1973, 1987, 2000, or 2008
Basing one’s decisions on analogs from the past is entering a fool’s paradise of folly.Like addicts who cannot control their cravings, financial analysts cannot stop themselves from seeking some analog situation in the past which will clarify the swirl…
VIEW POSTContributors

Mark E. Jeftovic
Mark is the co-founder of easyDNS and the editor-in-chief of #AxisOfEasy. He is the author of Managing Mission Critical Domains & DNS (Packt UK, 2018) and Unassailable: Protect Yourself from Deplatform Attacks & Cancel Culture.

The Canadian Bitcoiners
Joey Tweets and Len the Lengend are the hosts of The Canadian Bitcoiners Podcast, and you may recognize them as the voices (and faces) behing the AxisOfEasy Podcast. CanadianBitcoiners.com

Charles Hugh Smith
Charles Hugh Smith is the author of numerous books and writes from OfTwoMinds.com.
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