The "Crapification" of the U.S. Economy Is Now Complete
The crapification of the U.S. economy is now complete. The only thing left is the tiresome waiting for the implosion of the entire travesty of a mockery of a sham. The U.S. economy has fundamentally changed, and not for the better. There are numerous dynamics behind this decay, and I’ll discuss a few of the more consequential ones this month.
VIEW POSTHow Empires Die
When the state / empire loses the ability to recognize and solve core problems of security and fairness, it will be replaced by another arrangement that is more adaptable and adept at solving problems. From a systems perspective, nation-states and empires arise when they are superior solutions to security compared to whatever arrangement they replace: feudalism, warlords, tribal confederations, etc.
VIEW POSTThe Bear Awakens
The bear has awakened, and it will not be limited to the stock market. The bear awakens from a long, uneasy slumber and the everything bubble is in trouble. I’m not going to make the bear case with charts or price-earnings ratios or sentiment readings or anything remotely financial.
VIEW POSTCan a Nation Prosper as its Institutions Fail?
We are in effect so busy arranging the beach umbrellas per our instructions that we don’t notice the approaching tsunami. Economists focus on what can be easily measured: sales, profits, prices, tax revenues, etc. Since the decay and failure of institutions isn’t easily quantified, this decay doesn’t register in the realm of economics.
VIEW POSTNo Wonder the Market Is Skittish
The equity, real estate and bond markets all rode the coattails of the Fed’s ZIRP and easy-money liquidity tsunami for the past 13 years. As those subside, what’s left to drive assets higher?
VIEW POSTInflation Winners and Losers
The clear winners in inflation are those who require little from global supply chains, the frugal, and those who own their own labor, skills and enterprises. As the case for systemic inflation builds, the question arises: who wins and who loses in an up-cycle of inflation?
VIEW POSTContributors

Mark E. Jeftovic
Mark is the co-founder of easyDNS and the editor-in-chief of #AxisOfEasy. He is the author of Managing Mission Critical Domains & DNS (Packt UK, 2018) and Unassailable: Protect Yourself from Deplatform Attacks & Cancel Culture.

The Canadian Bitcoiners
Joey Tweets and Len the Lengend are the hosts of The Canadian Bitcoiners Podcast, and you may recognize them as the voices (and faces) behing the AxisOfEasy Podcast. CanadianBitcoiners.com

Charles Hugh Smith
Charles Hugh Smith is the author of numerous books and writes from OfTwoMinds.com.
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