AxisOfEasy Salon #14: Jobageddon and the Coming Education Revolts
We could call this one "The education episode", as we spent a lot of time talking…
A weekly salon with Metaviews’ Jesse Hirsh, Of Two Minds’ Charles Hugh Smith, and AxisOfEasy’s Mark E. Jeftovic.
We could call this one "The education episode", as we spent a lot of time talking…
We surmise that the often posited societal restructuring or "phase shift", characterized by a transition from…
Our homework assignment from last week was to distill “what is AxisOfEasy?” into something relatable and…
The recurring themes we kept coming back on over the show were: Have we entered a…
The overall theme for today's show was the idea that we're living in some weird quantum…
What if most of what we're measuring doesn't matter? That would suck. It would also explain quite…