Latest Issues of #AxisOfEasy
Widely used Node.js package has code injection vulnerability,
Merkel: Everyone agreed that we need a digital vaccination certificate,
Trigger Alert: I went on Steve Bannon’s show to talk Transhumanism (yes, really)…and more in Axis of Easy #185
Any economy stupid enough to rely on the insane distortions of GDP “growth” as its primary measure will richly deserve a Darwin Award when it inevitably collapses in a putrid heap of squandered resources and capital. We’re told the gross domestic product (GDP) measures growth, but what it really measures is waste: capital, labor and resources that are squandered and then mislabeled “growth” for PR purposes.
Read it »Perhaps we need an honest national dialog about declining expectations, rising inequality, social depression and the failure of the status quo. Even as the chirpy happy-talk of a return to normal floods the airwaves, what nobody dares acknowledge is that “normal” for a rising number of Americans is the social depression of downward mobility and social defeat.
Read it »Is that really what you want to spend your time doing, paying higher taxes? “No matter how much money I make, they will always print more. I can’t print anymore time.”
Read it »How much energy, water and food will the “money” created out of thin air in the future buy? Finance is often cloaked in arcane terminology and math, but the one dynamic that governs the future is actually very simple.
Read it »Facebook deplatforms Australia,
Silver Sparrow malware contains hooks for macOS,
The Bloomberg piece on Supermicro refuted by security analysts and more in Axis of Easy #184
Needless to say, few are expecting bubble symmetry to manifest now, because, well, of course, “this time it’s different.” Indeed. It’s always different and yet always the same, too.
Read it »So babble on, Babble-On 7; it won’t change anything. The forces in motion are like tides, and you can’t talk the tide into reversing. Allow me to introduce the Babble-On 7: the six board members of the Federal Reserve and Treasury chief Janet Yellen. (The Fed board has seven slots but one is vacant at the moment, so 6 + Yellen = 7.)
Read it »This madness is now global, so next up: global depression. A few days after the Covid pandemic was officially announced last year on 1/23/20, I prepared a chart projecting the course of the pandemic. In my view it still stands, with two updates: “vaccines months away” has been updated to “mass vaccinations months away” and “Wave 2” has been updated to “Wave 4.” (see chart below)
Read it »America’s financial system is nothing more than a toxic waste dump of speculation, fraud, collusion, corruption and rampant profiteering. What Poisoned America? The list of suspects is long: systemic bias, special interests dominating politics, political polarization, globalization and the offshoring of productive capacity, over-regulation, the rise of rapacious cartels and monopolies, Big Tech’s gulag of the mind, the permanent adolescence of consumerism, permanent global war, to name a few.
Read it »The lifestyle you ordered in the euphoria will be out of stock in the panic. Humans running Wetware 1.0 (which is all of us) love to gamble, and we are entranced by the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat. When there’s a market for speculation, these wild swings of emotion manifest as euphoria (I’m winning!) and fear (I’m losing).
Read it »Regardless of our opinions about President Carter and his legacy, his Farewell Address is worthy of our attention and study. On Presidents Day 2021, I invite you to read/watch President Carter’s Farewell Address from 40 years ago. As a Washington outsider, Carter was relentlessly mocked and undermined by the Establishment, as insiders’ loathing of outsiders knows no bounds.
Read it »Why would anyone sell when further gains are guaranteed? Because the gains are unreal but the losses are real. When markets are soaring and your portfolio is rocketing higher, the gains seem unreal. Did I really make that much in one day, week, month? Wow!
Read it »The middle class has already collapsed, but thanks to debt and bubbles, this reality has been temporarily cloaked. What collapsed the middle class? In many ways the answer echoes an Agatha Christie mystery: rather than there being one guilty party, a number of suspects participated in the collapse of the middle class.
Read it »Contributors

Mark E. Jeftovic
Mark is the co-founder of easyDNS and the editor-in-chief of #AxisOfEasy. He is the author of Managing Mission Critical Domains & DNS (Packt UK, 2018) and Unassailable: Protect Yourself from Deplatform Attacks & Cancel Culture.

The Canadian Bitcoiners
Joey Tweets and Len the Lengend are the hosts of The Canadian Bitcoiners Podcast, and you may recognize them as the voices (and faces) behing the AxisOfEasy Podcast.

Charles Hugh Smith
Charles Hugh Smith is the author of numerous books and writes from