Latest Issues of #AxisOfEasy
Secrecy around top Canadian cyber-security intelligence officer caught spying for China
S&P to launch crypto-currency indexes in 2021 as Niall Ferguson endorses Bitcoin (OOtc article) plus Salon #33: Ethereum 2.0 could be the scaffolding of the Network State.. and more in Axis of Easy #175
The incontestable incompetence of the USSA’s monopolies, institutions and agencies is about to take center stage in 2021. When I mention that the U.S.A. feels increasingly like the U.S.S.R., a surprising number of people tell me they feel the same way.
Read it »Sorry Fed, it’s too late. The dominoes are already toppling, and every point of failure is being exploited by the catalyzing effects of Covid. America’s many points of failure leverage points where a break brings down the entire system–are falling like dominoes, a process catalyzed by Covid.
Read it »If you still believe that America’s Sickcare is “the finest in the world” and is endlessly sustainable, please study these three charts and extend the trendlines. I’ve long been making the distinction between healthcare and sickcare: healthcare is the service provided by frontline operational caregivers (doctors, nurses, aides, technicians, etc.) and sickcare is the financialized system of Big Hospital Corporations, Big Insurers, Big Pharma, etc. and their lobbyists that keep the federal money spigots wide open.
Read it »An idea that’s simple as an abstraction–vaccine ID cards–turns out to be extremely difficult once real-world operational realities must be dealt with. Authorities around the world have made it clear that they will do “whatever it takes” to vaccinate their citizenry with one of the first available vaccines.
Read it »As for stock markets–the devil take the hindmost. Let’s keep it simple: US dollar up, stocks down. US dollar down, stocks up. Stocks up, billionaires get richer. Since that spot of bother in March 2020 when the US dollar (USD) soared and stocks cratered, the USD has been in a free-fall, boosting the wealth of America’s Robber Barons and various other skimmers, scammers and other undeserving scoundrels.
Read it »Last week, a report surfaced that Zoom had shut down the accounts of student survivors of the Tiananmen Square massacre who were meeting virtually to commemorate the June 4, 1989 event.What to do about fake news when the gatekeepers are worse …and more in AofE #145
Read it »One sure way to identify a system “optimized for failure” is if all the insiders are absolutely confident the system is “optimized for my success”. I often discuss optimization here because it offers an insightful window into how systems become fragile and break down.
Read it »Our national claim of moral superiority is no longer plausible. A very strong case can be made that America is now a moral cesspool. Consider just three cases: Jeffrey Epstein, the CEO of Pfizer and JPMorgan Chase.
Read it »Our overweening faith and confidence in our wealth and power make this a dimly lit Thanksgiving. A public expression of gratitude by victorious sports stars, lottery winners, etc. is now the convention in America: coaches, teammates, family and mentors (or agents) are recognized as an expression of the winners’ humility and gratitude for everyone that contributed to the success.
Read it »Hackers target crypto exchanges via their registrar
Vatican cries foul after pontiff “likes” racy pic on Instagram
Now available on the Internet: Music
and dont forget to check out the AxisOfEasy Salon #31: The Covid Episode
The reality is the roulette wheel is rigged and only chumps believe it’s a fair game. It’s easy to lay America’s visible frustrations at the feet of Covid lockdowns or political polarization, but this conveniently ignores the real driver: systemic unfairness.
Read it »What we need is not a return to the corrupt, tottering kleptocracy of 2019, but a re-democratization of capital, agency and money. I’m hopeful about 2021, and no, it’s not because of the vaccines or the end of lockdowns or anything related to Covid. The status quo is cheering the fantasy that we’ll soon return to the debt-soaked glory days of 2019 when everything was peachy.
Read it »That our “leadership” reckons “bread and circuses” is what the stripmined bottom 90% want is beyond pathetic. There’s one chart that predicts our future, and no, it’s not related to Covid–it’s related to capital, specifically the concentration of capital and power in the hands of the few at the expense of the many.
Read it »Trust in institutions, authorities and Big Pharma are scraping the bottom of the barrel, and rushing these vaccines into mass use with extremely high expectations of efficacy is setting up the potential for a devastating loss of trust in the vaccines should they fail to live up to the claims of 100% safety and 95% effectiveness.
Read it »Ticketmaster to require immunity passports for event attendance,
DNS cache poisoning attacks are back and
AxisOfEasy Salon #30: The one, the only Doc Searls.. this and more in AofE #172
The confidence that there will always be facilities and professionals to care for us is no longer realistic. I’ve covered the systemic problems of U.S. healthcare for over a decade, and as a result I’ve attracted numerous healthcare professionals as correspondents. I’ve been corresponding with some for almost 15 years, and this correspondence has given me a sobering education in the realities of our fully financialized (and thus hollowed-out) healthcare system.
Read it »Contributors

Mark E. Jeftovic
Mark is the co-founder of easyDNS and the editor-in-chief of #AxisOfEasy. He is the author of Managing Mission Critical Domains & DNS (Packt UK, 2018) and Unassailable: Protect Yourself from Deplatform Attacks & Cancel Culture.

The Canadian Bitcoiners
Joey Tweets and Len the Lengend are the hosts of The Canadian Bitcoiners Podcast, and you may recognize them as the voices (and faces) behing the AxisOfEasy Podcast.

Charles Hugh Smith
Charles Hugh Smith is the author of numerous books and writes from