This week’s episode had the three of us back on the show:
- Charles Hugh Smith (OfTwoMinds)
- Jesse Hirsh (MetaViews)
- Mark E. Jeftovic (
Show Sponsor: easyDNS
References and Books
- The Age of Surveillance Capitalism, Shoshana Zuboff
- Escape from Freedom, Eric Fromm
- The Fourth Turning, William Strauss & Neil Howe
- Empire and Communication, Harold Innis
- Critique of Dialectical Reason, Jean Paul Sartre
- 12:36: Uline chief got border security
- Angela Applewhite (Mark’s wife the romance novelist)
- Reinventing Collapse, Dmitri Orlov
- The Long Descent, Jon Michael Greer
- Chris Martenson’s Peak Prosperity
Episode Transcript: AxisofEasy22 transcript

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Thanks you guys for the what you do , I love these podcasts. I have been reading your blog, Charles, for years now and more recently my wife found you through Peak Prosperity and introduced me to Axis of Easy.
Are you all aware of the bioregional movement? I came across it while living in Toronto when the intentional community that produced the New Catalyst Journal out of BC, hosted the 3rd North American Bioregional Congress in 1988. That Journal was a lifeline to me as a member of the Karma Coop, whenever it arrived in the magazine section, I could read every article over and over, it articulated my worldview perfectly. I sent for the proceedings and was inspired to attend the 4th Congress in Maine which then galvanised me to return to my home watershed of St Ann’s in Trinidad and Tobago to share the vision.
Your last minute reference in #22 to the 4% that could be the critical mass for the paradigm shift to local self sufficiency has a fictional precedent in Ernest Callebach’s, “Ecotopia” and a solid well documented history starting in 1972 when Peter Berg, having attended the UN Conference on the Human Environment in Stockholm, retuned home to San Francisco, dug up the pavement in front of his office and planted local wildflowers. Planet Drum is the site you will find his legacy. David Haenke in the Ozarks organised the 1st Continental Congress. There were Great Lakes Bioregional Congresses held in Detroit and Toronto while I was still in the region. In 1992, a fellow traveller, Whitney Smith worked with the Mayor’s office of David Crombie in Toronto to produce the policy document, “Regeneration, Toronto’s Waterfront and the Sustainable City”, inspired by bioregionalism.
’72 was a pivotal year, the Rainbow Tribes of Living Light had there first gathering in Colorado. “Limits to Growth” catalysed Bill Mollison into abandoning academia to plant a garden that led to permaculture. Stephen Gaskin led his school bus caravan from ‘Frisco to Summertown Tennessee to seed the Farm, now home to the Ecovillage network of NA.
All shades of Paul Hawken’s Blessed Unrest…
may we evoke the vision of graceful capitulation to an ecocentric future.
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