The triad is back to discuss alternative configurations to social media platforms. Please note that due to a technical problem Jesse’s audio track had to be painstakingly edited in from a secondary audio capture, so it sounds a little off from the rest.

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Download link goes to the png rather than the mp3/m4a/etc. I really appreciate this podcast, but only consume in audio form as I’m too busy to watch a video. Also, I DO NOT care for youtube or the other platforms. I’m a protocol over platform sort of person…
Thanks for the heads up, should be fixed now.
It would certainly be healthier for social media platforms to be public utilities but even better would be the dissolution of them and a return to real life social activity. Social platforms eat up human productivity and create vapid lives out of touch with reality, cause fractured thinking and promote hyperactivity.
The social media companies have too much power and influence world wide.
They are contributing to monoculture.
Big Tech is less trustworthy than government because it is controlled by a small number of people – high risk! but government is not benign either. We should trust neither, especially when the elite control both. Centralization has gone too far.