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Amazon trashes, et al
Amazon announced today that it will shutdown the entire Quidsi division, which it purchased for $545 million in 2010, citing lack of profitability. The Quidsi division included various retailers, replete with “category killing domain names”…
Bloomberg: WeWork floats “governance change” to salvage IPO
As per Bloomberg: WeWork desperately scrambles to salvage an IPO being spurned by the investing public by floating a “governance shakeup” although any reforms would still leave Neumann with total control over what happens because of the share structure. Also, the article opines that nobody is sure what governance changes remain to be made, given that “The company already has taken some steps, such as adding a woman to its board and having Neumann return…
Memo to Robinhood traders: “Bankruptcy” usually means the equity gets wiped out
Quick primer on how it works, given Hertz is about to pull the world’s first Initial Bankruptcy Offering: The senior debt holders are first in line …