

The Rage Economy?

February 19, 2021

Rage is both a subcurrent within and a by-product of the pandemic. However rage is also a tactic used by the news and media industry to maintain an engaged and profitable audience.


This pandemic is changing who you are

February 19, 2021

Who we are and who we want to become is changing. This pandemic has forced us to spend a lot of time with ourselves, and this is prompting a wide range of responses and reactions.


What Poisoned America?

February 18, 2021

America’s financial system is nothing more than a toxic waste dump of speculation, fraud, collusion, corruption and rampant profiteering. What Poisoned America? The list of suspects is long: systemic bias, special interests dominating politics, political polarization, globalization and the offshoring of productive capacity, over-regulation, the rise of rapacious cartels and monopolies, Big Tech’s gulag of the mind, the permanent adolescence of consumerism, permanent global war, to name a few.


#AxisOfEasy 183: Supermicro Hacked For Years, Big Tech Supply Chain Compromised By China

February 16, 2021

Supermicro hacked for years, supply chain compromised by China,
Typosquatting package names to penetrate companies,
New phishing attack encodes malicious URLs in Morse code and more in Axis of Easy # 183


GBOAT: Is This the Greatest Bubble of All Time?

February 16, 2021

The lifestyle you ordered in the euphoria will be out of stock in the panic. Humans running Wetware 1.0 (which is all of us) love to gamble, and we are entranced by the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat. When there’s a market for speculation, these wild swings of emotion manifest as euphoria (I’m winning!) and fear (I’m losing).


Presidents Day: Carter’s Prescient Farewell Address in 1981

February 15, 2021

Regardless of our opinions about President Carter and his legacy, his Farewell Address is worthy of our attention and study. On Presidents Day 2021, I invite you to read/watch President Carter’s Farewell Address from 40 years ago. As a Washington outsider, Carter was relentlessly mocked and undermined by the Establishment, as insiders’ loathing of outsiders knows no bounds.




Mark E. Jeftovic

Mark is the co-founder of easyDNS and the editor-in-chief of #AxisOfEasy. He is the author of Managing Mission Critical Domains & DNS (Packt UK, 2018) and Unassailable: Protect Yourself from Deplatform Attacks & Cancel Culture. 


Jesse Hirsh

Futurist, researcher and public speaker, Jesse Hirsh has been active in technology and commenting on it across the media for 25 years. His premium newsletter service operates from


Charles Hugh Smith

Charles Hugh Smith is the author of numerous books and writes from