
Latest Issues of #AxisOfEasy

#AxisOfEasy 305: Online Rights Group Sends Open Letter To Condemning UK’s Online Safety Bill

By Mark E. Jeftovic | July 7, 2023 | 0 Comments
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Online Rights Group Sends Open Letter to Condemning UK’s Online Safety Bill
Musk’s Tweet Limits Attempt to Fight AI Censorship Tools
Federal Privacy Bill Sparks Controversy over Illinois’ BIPA Law… this and more in AofE #305

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All Dreams End: The Collapse of Keynesian Economics

By Charles Hugh Smith | July 7, 2023 | 0 Comments
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Now that debt is rising faster than “growth,” and “growth” is dependent on speculative credit-asset bubbles, the collapse of the Keynesian dream looms large. Unbeknownst to economists, the Keynesian bedrock of modern economics–using financial repression and government spending funded by debt to manage the business cycle of growth and recession–is an artifact of a century of expansive cheap energy and virtuous demographics.

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Who Wins and Who Loses in a Deep Global Recession?

By Charles Hugh Smith | July 3, 2023 | 0 Comments
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Globalization and financialization have fueled the global economy for 40 years. Now they’re in the decline phase of the S-Curve.

Does anyone benefit from a deep, prolonged global recession?

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The Make-or-Break Fork in the Road Ahead

By Charles Hugh Smith | June 30, 2023 | 0 Comments
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We either make the future or break the future, so choose wisely.

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Breaking/Broken News You Might Have Missed

By Charles Hugh Smith | June 29, 2023 | 0 Comments
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Sometimes the news isn’t breaking, it’s broken.
Breaking/Broken News You Might Have Missed: sometimes the news isn’t breaking, it’s broken:

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Dear Aliens: Could You Please Stop Fooling Around and Take Over Earth?

By Charles Hugh Smith | June 28, 2023 | 0 Comments
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Dematerialize all the “heroes” foolishly trying to get back control of Earth so they can continue killing, plundering, and destroying the planet and its many lifeforms for their own private gain under the guise of glorifying their ideology.

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#AxisOfEasy 304: Revolutionizing National Security: Army’s Social Media Surveillance Tech

By Mark E. Jeftovic | June 27, 2023 | 5 Comments
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Revolutionizing National Security: Army’s Social Media Surveillance Tech
The Fediverse’s Anti-Meta Stance: Openness or Insularity?
Google Warns Employees Against Entering Confidential Data into AI Chatbots as it Rolls Out New Bard Chatbot Across the World… this and more in AofE #304

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The Corruption of POTUS, SCOTUS and SCROTUS

By Charles Hugh Smith | June 25, 2023 | 0 Comments
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Until we reach that point of social transformation, we’re passengers on a ship of state doomed by rampant, systemic corruption and the collapse of moral standards and the rule of law.

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2023-2030: Artifice Vs. Doom-Loops

By Charles Hugh Smith | June 22, 2023 | 0 Comments
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If you prefer reality to artifice, oh, you wretched doom-and-gloomer. Just look at our social media feed, that’s what real.

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Doom-Loop I: "Bringing Demand Forward" Will No Longer Save Us

By Charles Hugh Smith | June 21, 2023 | 0 Comments
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The fantasy is that inflation will plummet to zero and we can all go back to “Bringing Demand Forward.” The reality is what’s plummeting is demand.

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#AxisOfEasy 303: French Bill Allows Remote Mic Activation By Law Enforcement: What You Need To Know

By Mark E. Jeftovic | June 20, 2023 | 2 Comments
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French Bill Allows Remote Mic Activation by Law Enforcement: What You Need to Know,
Conservative Version of ChatGPT Forced to Shut Down After OpenAI Said It “Failed to Conform to Requirements,”
Unveiling a New Russian APT Group: Microsoft Links Them to Wiper Attacks in Ukraine … this and more in AofE #303

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How Did Someone Like Me Get Shadow-Banned?

By Charles Hugh Smith | June 19, 2023 | 0 Comments
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How did someone like me get shadow-banned? There is no way to know, and that’s a problem for our society and our ability to solve the polycrisis we now face.

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Solutions Abound, But Not Necessarily Where We Expect

By Charles Hugh Smith | June 15, 2023 | 0 Comments
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Solutions abound, we just have to look for them in the right places.
Despite my reputation as a doom-and-gloomer, all of my work is about solutions.

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#AxisOfEasy 302: Drop What You’re Doing: Special Double Edition

By Mark E. Jeftovic | June 13, 2023 | 6 Comments
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Google Zero day targeting Chrome based crypto wallets,
Barracuda Networks Advises Customers to Replace Compromised Email Security Gateway Devices,
DHS Commissioned a Research Project to Give ‘Risk Scores’ to Social Media Users According to Latest Motherboard Report … this and more in AofE #302

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This Is Why Nobody Will Do Anything Until It’s Too Late

By Charles Hugh Smith | June 13, 2023 | 0 Comments
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I like a rousing story as much as anyone else, but systems aren’t stories, and confusing the two won’t actually fix what’s not sustainable in the current system’s configuration.

OK, I get it: we all like Hollywood endings: the superhero saves the world, the evil conspiracy is uncovered and the villains get their just desserts and the impossible romance overcomes all the odds. This is why there are Hollywood endings: we are hard-wired to thrill to happy endings and a successful conclusion to the Hero’s / Heroine’s Journey.

We will tolerate a Tragic Hero / Heroine or the occasional Anti-Hero / Heroine, but there is still a moral victory of some sort to cheer.

The real world doesn’t follow a storyline, it operates according to the dictates of systems: inputs are taken up by processes which then generate outputs. If the outputs and processes don’t change, the outputs don’t change either.

One prevalent manifestation of human hubris is the idea that getting someone to agree with us about something or other is some sort of victory, as if human opinions matter. They don’t, unless they change either inputs or processes in extremely consequential ways. Tweaking inputs or policies might make us feel warm and fuzzy (“I’m part of the solution!”) but they are too modest to change the system’s inputs and processes. The net result is the outputs remain the same.

Put another way: labeling something or other a hoax or an existential threat doesn’t change anything in the systems that generate consequences. Whatever is going to happen as output is going to happen regardless of what humans label it or their opinions about it (“El Nino really sucks!”).

Existing processes constrain our choices. This is why it’s difficult to be an environmentally-sustainable saint. Let’s say we’re concerned about climate change and the destruction of the planet’s biosphere. Let’s say we want to lower our carbon footprint and “do the right things” to reduce the negative impact of our consumption and lifestyle.

This is where we substitute Hollywood endings for reality. We like to think that recycling matters. Sorry, it really doesn’t change the inputs or processes enough to change the outputs in any consequential way. For example, the percentage of lithium batteries and electronic waste that are currently recycled is near-zero because the batteries and electronics aren’t manufactured to be recycled in a cost-effective manner, and nobody in the system pays for costly recycling. So the really important recycling isn’t being done.

I still recycle cardboard because that seems like a better choice than dumping it in the landfill, but in terms of total lifecycle costs and resource consumption of recycling versus landfill, I don’t have any data. The system isn’t set up to measure total lifecycle costs and resource consumption of goods, services and processes, and since we only manage what we measure, we’re flying blind: the system is set up to measure “growth” (GDP) and profits, not total lifecycle costs and resource consumption.

Sorry, there’s no Hollywood ending until we change the inputs (stop manufacturing lithium batteries) and/or the processes (require 99% recycling of all electronics, batteries, vehicles, etc.). This will require changing the entire manufacturing and resource supply chain systems from the ground up, globally. If we don’t do that, the output can’t possibly change in any consequential way.

The Hollywood ending is electric vehicles will “save the planet.” Too bad this is Hollywood, not reality. Most of the consumption of resources and damage to the planet occur in the mining, smelting and manufacture of the vehicle, regardless of its fuel. Due to their massive consumption of minerals, electric vehicles consume far more of the planet’s resources than an ICE (internal combustion engine) vehicle.

All vehicles are manufactured (mining, smelting, transport, factories, etc.) with hydrocarbons. There’s no difference between vehicles except electric vehicles use even more hydrocarbons in their fabrication.

Then there’s the source of the fuel. An electric vehicle manufactured by burning coal and charged with electricity generated by burning coal is in fact a coal-burning vehicle. Calling it “electric” fits the happy story, but it’s not actually factual: a coal-burning vehicle is an environmental disaster, regardless of labels, our opinions or the happy-ending PR.

In the real world, the least destructive choice of vehicle is a small, light, old ICE vehicle that is well-maintained to conserve fuel and driven only rarely. Hey, look at me, I only drove my old 40-mile-per-gallon Civic 3,000 miles last year–I’m a saint!

Unfortunately, the real world isn’t a Hollywood (or Bollywood) movie, and so I don’t get to be a saint once we look at the world as a system rather than a movie. The fertilizers I use to grow food in my yard come from afar, and even the organic ones consume huge quantities of hydrocarbons in their processing, bagging and shipping. The “organic” fruit or vegetable shipped from afar is an environmental disaster compared to the organic fruit or vegetable from your own yard, but even those require inputs that are part of the system.

I stepped on airliners a few times in the past year, one long-haul and two short flights, and there is really nothing environmentally saintly about consuming immense resources by jetting around the world.

Electric aircraft won’t “save the world,” either. They’re resource-hungry, small, slow, their range is modest and their batteries are no more recyclable or long-lasting than all the vehicle batteries destined for the landfill. And alternative fuels for jet aircraft are incapable of being produced at the scale necessary to replace jet fuel. Sorry, no Hollywood ending.

To really reduce one’s consumption of the planet’s resources, we would have to grow our own food, get around on our own feet or zero-fuel transport (motorless bicycle or skateboard or boat) and not buy / own / use large resource-consuming devices such as vehicles, aircraft, etc.

The system as currently configured makes it nearly impossible to do this. Even growing much of your own food requires delivery of fertilizers (organic or chemical, they still weight a lot). Very few places are bike-skateboard friendly. The world is set up for large, mass-produced fueled vehicles. Outside of a few cities, public transport is incapable of getting people where they need to go in any sort of time-efficient manner.

Consider the foundation of our lifestyle, the financial system. The story is “debt doesn’t matter,” because we can outgrow rising debt forever. Our bag of financial engineering tricks is bottomless, and there will always be another financial rabbit we can pull out of the hat.

This is of course a fantasy. Debt eventually eats the system alive. So do fixed costs, entitlements, demographics and declining productivity. The inputs and processes can’t be changed in any material way because they have to remain in their current scale and configuration or the financial system collapses under its own weight.

This brings us to the incentives to keep the inputs and processes exactly as they are, with minor tweaks for PR purposes. The system is set up such that elites and self-serving interests have most of the wealth and political power, and if even the tiniest bit of their skim is diminished, they will instantly devote the entirety of their resources to reversing this outrage, for they all know how power works: if others manage to cut 1% from your skim, they’ll sense weakness and come back for 10%.

The only incentive that counts in our stripmined world is maximizing profits and the private gains of the entrenched and powerful. To cloak this reality, the Powers That Be promote public-relations propaganda that depicts their pillage, looting, fraud and destruction as a Hollywood story we can all consume and love, just as we love our servitude once it’s been properly packaged into a Hero / Heroine’s Journey or a Love Story.

This is why nobody will do anything until it’s too late. It’s only when we run out of essential inputs and/or essential processes decay and collapse that we’ll awaken to the fact that since the global system’s inputs and processes materially changed, the outputs we need and love all went away.

By the time inputs and processes have materially changed, it’s too late to reverse the process and go back in time.
Once resource extraction processes break down, inputs are no longer available in the needed quantities to feed all the processes of globalized, industrialized production and transport. Since all these processes are tightly bound systems, that is, interconnected, the breakdown of any one supply chain or process quickly topples dominoes throughout the system.

In addition to confusing happy stories with systems, human hubris manifests in another way: we like to think that minor tweaks here and there that don’t inconvenience us will magically change the negative outputs (resource depletion, environmental ruin, etc.). This is why we love the Hollywood stories about electric aircraft (our very own electric helicopter–yowza!), electric vehicles, recycling the carboard boxes from FedEx, UPS and Amazon, and so on: we get all the comforts and conveniences we’re accustomed to, and we get to be environmentally-sustainable saints, too: it’s all sustainable and ecological and warm and fuzzy.

Except it isn’t. That’s a fairy tale, not a system.

If you question the Hollywood ending, you’re dismissed as a doom and gloomer, a discontent who grumbles about happy endings and techno-marvels.

I see this as confusing a story with a system. The story operates by its own rules: here are the obstacles and powerful villains, here are the Hero and Heroine, outmatched and under pressure, but then, against all odds, the villains lose their grip, justice is served and love triumphs.

Systems work by their own implacable rules. There are inputs and processes that generate outputs. The only way to change the outputs in a consequential fashion is to change the inputs and/or processes in a consequential fashion. Little face-saving PR tweaks are too small in scale to materially change either inputs or processes, and so the outputs won’t change and indeed, can’t possibly change, because that’s how systems work.

So by all means, ignore all warnings and run the ship at full speed through an ice field. All too predictably, the ship collides with an iceberg and only then does anyone respond: OK, where’s the Hollywood story of brave engineers saving the ship and noble passengers helping each other onto lifeboats? What do you mean, the ship will sink regardless of what’s done?

Doesn’t our happy-ending story map reality? Unfortunately, no. The current system is sinking and nobody will do anything other than more of what’s failed until it’s too late.

I like a rousing story as much as anyone else, but systems aren’t stories, and confusing the two won’t actually fix what’s not sustainable in the current system’s configuration.

This confusion of story with system will generate consequences and opportunities which I discuss in my books

Global Crisis, National Renewal


Self-Reliance in the 21st Century

My new book is now available at a 10% discount ($8.95 ebook, $18 print):

Self-Reliance in the 21st Century

Read the first chapter for free (PDF)

Read excerpts of all three chapters

Podcast with Richard Bonugli: Self Reliance in the 21st Century
(43 min)

My recent books:

The Asian Heroine Who Seduced Me
(Novel) print $10.95,
Kindle $6.95

Read an excerpt for free

When You Can’t Go On: Burnout, Reckoning and Renewal

$18 print, $8.95 Kindle ebook;

Read the first section for free (PDF)

Global Crisis, National Renewal: A (Revolutionary) Grand Strategy for the United States

(Kindle $9.95, print $24, audiobook)

Read Chapter One for free (PDF)

A Hacker’s Teleology: Sharing the Wealth of Our Shrinking Planet

(Kindle $8.95, print $20,


Read the first section for free (PDF)

Will You Be Richer or Poorer?: Profit, Power, and AI in a Traumatized World

(Kindle $5, print $10, audiobook)

Read the first section for free (PDF)

The Adventures of the Consulting Philosopher: The Disappearance of Drake
$4.95 Kindle, $10.95 print);
read the first chapters
for free (PDF)

Money and Work Unchained
$6.95 Kindle, $15 print)

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Apple loves innovation, except when it challenges their quasi-monopoly

By Mark E. Jeftovic | June 13, 2023 | 0 Comments
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Apple loves to pay lip service to “think different”, except when it poses a challenge to their quasi-monopoly or advances something they can’t control.

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Everything Is Being Repriced, Starting with Risk

By Charles Hugh Smith | June 11, 2023 | 0 Comments
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The global risk premium has increased dramatically and is increasing in an unpredictable arc. This structural trend of higher risks will reprice everything.

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12 Ways to Cut the Chains of Financial Serfdom

By Charles Hugh Smith | June 9, 2023 | 0 Comments
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Just because nobody talks about financial serfdom doesn’t mean it’s not real.
Ours is a neofeudal economy of financial serfs in servitude to a Financial Aristocracy.

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Look Around and What Do You See? Social Defeat

By Charles Hugh Smith | June 7, 2023 | 0 Comments
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How often do you see acknowledgements that social defeat and social depression are rampant in America? If you do a search for social defeat, you find hundreds of links to studies of rodents.

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#AxisOfEasy 301: A Spokesperson For Telegram, Remi Vaughn, Says The App Will Not Respond To Political Censorship Requests

By Mark E. Jeftovic | June 6, 2023 | 2 Comments
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A spokesperson for Telegram, Remi Vaughn, says the app will not respond to political censorship requests,
“I am against censorship that goes far beyond the law:” Elon Musk on Twitter censorship requests,
Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez hints at taking action against Twitter CEO after he encouraged engagement with popular AOC impersonator account … this and more in AofE #301

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What Happens When the Competent Opt Out?

By Charles Hugh Smith | June 5, 2023 | 0 Comments
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By this terminal stage, the competent have been driven out, quit or burned out.
What happens with the competent retire, burn out or opt out?

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A Nation of Junkies: The Empty Future of a Stimulus-Speculation Economy

By Charles Hugh Smith | June 1, 2023 | 0 Comments
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Now that the US economy is totally dependent on trillions of dollars in stimulus and speculative gains reaped from the stimulus, there is no Real Economy left to pick up the pieces when the credit-stimulus-speculation bubbles all pop.

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#AxisOfEasy 300: Iranian Agrius Hackers Target Critical Infrastructure: A New Cybersecurity Threat

By Mark E. Jeftovic | May 30, 2023 | 2 Comments
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Iranian Agrius Hackers Target Critical Infrastructure: A New Cybersecurity Threat,
Israeli NSO group’s elite spyware detected in active war zone for the first time,
North Korean Entities Training Expat IT Workers in Russia Face US Sanctions … this and more in AofE #300

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Higher Unemployment Won’t Stop Wages from Rising

By Charles Hugh Smith | May 30, 2023 | 0 Comments
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The net result of these dynamics is official unemployment can soar but employers will still be scrambling to find qualified, willing employees. The labor market is viewed as a sea of fluid workers.

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Sorry Our Demographic Karma Ran Over Your Economic Dogma

By Charles Hugh Smith | May 26, 2023 | 0 Comments
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Your bogus economic dogma of “growth via the wealth effect” created the demographic karma that will bring down the status quo. What happens when you bleed your workforce while enriching those who already own assets with one bubble after another, all in the name of “fostering growth”?

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Mark E. Jeftovic

Mark E. Jeftovic

Mark is the co-founder of easyDNS and the editor-in-chief of #AxisOfEasy. He is the author of Managing Mission Critical Domains & DNS (Packt UK, 2018) and Unassailable: Protect Yourself from Deplatform Attacks & Cancel Culture. 

The Canadian Bitcoiners

The Canadian Bitcoiners

Joey Tweets and Len the Lengend are the hosts of The Canadian Bitcoiners Podcast, and you may recognize them as the voices (and faces) behing the AxisOfEasy Podcast. CanadianBitcoiners.com

Charles Hugh Smith

Charles Hugh Smith

Charles Hugh Smith is the author of numerous books and writes from OfTwoMinds.com.