Latest Issues of #AxisOfEasy
The elites dancing through the minefield all have plans, but how many are prepared for the punch in the mouth?Open any newspaper from the past 100 years and you will soon find a newsworthy geopolitical hotspot or conflict. Geopolitical conflict is…
Read it »Just as the rewards of central-bank bubbles have not been evenly distributed, the pain created by the collapse of the bubbles won’t be evenly distributed, either.We’ve reached an interesting juncture in history, and I don’t mean the pandemic. I’m …
Read it »New US Bill aims to end warrant-proof encryption
PayPal preparing to enter Bitcoin marketplace
Hackers use Google analytics to steal credit cards
Julian Assange hit with additional conspiracy indictment
The pendulum swung to an extreme of globalization, financialization, centralization and monopoly, all of which created extreme systemic fragility.Here’s what to expect in the rapidly evolving New Normal: extremes become even more extreme as the st…
Read it »The only realistic Plan B is a fundamental, permanent re-ordering of the cost structure of the entire U.S. economy.The fantasy of a V-shaped recovery has evaporated, and expectations for a W or L-shaped recovery are increasingly untenable. So forg…
Read it »Once you allow your economy to become dependent on extremes of debt, leverage, inequality, legalized looting, monopoly, pay-to-play politics and speculative asset bubbles, a depression is inevitable.The pandemic lockdown will be blamed for the Gre…
Read it »Canada to deploy voluntary nationwide contact tracing app , Surveillance-capitalism firm Palantir files to go public
Gigantic telecom outage was not a DDoS from China, and more….
In the false religion of data, heresy is asking for data that is not being collected because it might reveal unpalatably unprofitable realities.Here’s how every modern con starts: let’s look at the data. Every modern con starts with an earnes…
Read it »As we move into a more algorithmically controlled society, I would expect that technocratic social credit systems will supplant conventional moral structures, and the prospect of having your mind uploaded into an everlasting paradise will be the religious payoff for conforming to the rules.
Read it »The last shred of power the elites hold is the belief of the masses that the elites are still in control.I understand the natural desire to believe somebody’s in charge: whether it’s the Deep State, the Chinese Communist Party, the Kremlin or Agen…
Read it »You thought that monkey on your back was light as a feather, but now it transmogrified overnight into a crushing gorilla.Dear junkies addicted to the Federal Reserve’s free-money smack: like all addicts, you firmly believe you’re not addicted.&nbs…
Read it »They’re hoping the endless circuses and trails of bread crumbs will forever distract us from their plunder and the inequalities built into America’s financial system..The primary story of the past 20 years is the already-rich have gotten much richer, w…
Read it »Here’s the thing about gambling: risk cannot be made to disappear, it can only be transferred to others.Those taking seats at the gaming tables in the Federal Reserve’s casino believe that they can’t lose. Or more precisely, any losses they suffer…
Read it »The Fed has backed itself not into a corner but to the edge of a precipice.Though the Federal Reserve never stated its Grand Bargain explicitly, their actions have spoken louder than their predictably self-serving, obfuscatory public pronouncements.&nb…
Read it »So what do we know with any sort of certainty about the claim that “the pandemic is over”? Very little.Is the pandemic over in China, Europe, Japan and the U.S./Canada? Is the much-anticipated V-Shaped economic recovery already baked in, i.e. already g…
Read it »Quick primer on how it works, given Hertz is about to pull the world’s first Initial Bankruptcy Offering: The senior debt holders are first in line …
Read it »Ours is a Wile E. Coyote economy, and now we’re hanging in mid-air, realizing there is nothing solid beneath our feet.The story we’re told about how our “capitalist” economy works is outdated. The story goes like this: companies produce goods and …
Read it »Contributors

Mark E. Jeftovic
Mark is the co-founder of easyDNS and the editor-in-chief of #AxisOfEasy. He is the author of Managing Mission Critical Domains & DNS (Packt UK, 2018) and Unassailable: Protect Yourself from Deplatform Attacks & Cancel Culture.

The Canadian Bitcoiners
Joey Tweets and Len the Lengend are the hosts of The Canadian Bitcoiners Podcast, and you may recognize them as the voices (and faces) behing the AxisOfEasy Podcast.

Charles Hugh Smith
Charles Hugh Smith is the author of numerous books and writes from