October’s here and so are Charles, Jesse and Mark with another episode of the AxisOfEasy Salon.
References and Show Notes:
- Is your data privacy a collective matter rather than an individual one?
- Future Tools: Zorin OS
- Data Sprawl, Privacy and Cybersecurity
- Big Mother and the Surveillance State
- Empire of Uncertainty
- Goodbye To All That: Are Our Rituals of Prosperity Increasingly Meaningless?
- The Road to Nowhere: Whatever Can’t Be Politicized Ceases to Exist
- ‘The Real Facebook Oversight Board’ launches to counter Facebook’s ‘Oversight Board’
- Bioneers
- The Rational Optimist: How Prosperity Evolves, Matt Ridley
- The Idea of Decline in the Western History, Arthur Herman
- The Fourth Turning, William Strauss and Neil Howe
- Coup D’Etat: A Practical Handbook and Turbo-Capitalism: The Winners and Losers of the Global Economy, Edward Luttwak

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I admire your energy and commitment to relevant political thought. You need a different balance of people, or a different exposition of basic assumptions. There is too much agreement among you on basic assumptions, it would seem. This is my first reaction to listening: it sounds like Scott Adams thinking with three brains. Actually that is not a bad thing. But you might wish to consider how new listeners are meant to join the party.