

The ongoing cyber crime boom

May 5, 2020

It should come as no surprise that the one area of the economy that continues to thrive and prosper is cyber crime. It was booming before, but unlike much of the rest of the economy, that boom has only increased in scale and scope.


Surviving 2020 #1: Bug-Out Bunkers, Taoism and the Warring States

May 5, 2020

If someone were to ask for a less risky survival strategy, I would suggest moving into town and start showing a little generosity rather than a lot of hoarding.I’m not trying to be difficult, but I can’t help cutting against the grain on topics like su…


Michael Moore’s Planet Of The Humans – Full Video

May 3, 2020

This year’s Earth Day saw the release of Michael Moore’s new documentary Planet of the Humans. The left-leaning filmaker, whose previous works included withering criticism of corporate pillaging, the gun industry, the Iraq War, not to mention capitalism itself this time turned his criticism toward the alternative energy industry and ineffectual aspects of the business of being green.


Why Assets Will Crash

May 3, 2020

This is how it happens that boats that were once worth tens of thousands of dollars are set adrift by owners who can no longer afford to pay slip fees.The increasing concentration of the ownership of wealth/assets in the top 10% has an under-appreciate…


The value of free speech in a pandemic

May 1, 2020

In a crisis, our collective commitment to free speech can waiver, and we are more likely to desire the suppression or silencing of views that we disagree with or deem unacceptable.


Our Inevitable Collapse: We Can’t Save a Fragile Economy With Bailouts That Increase Fragility

May 1, 2020

By bailing out the sources of systemic fragility with trillions of dollars, the Fed has shifted the risk to the entire financial system and the nation’s currency.That the global economy is fragile is painfully obvious to all. What is less obvious …




Mark E. Jeftovic

Mark is the co-founder of easyDNS and the editor-in-chief of #AxisOfEasy. He is the author of Managing Mission Critical Domains & DNS (Packt UK, 2018) and Unassailable: Protect Yourself from Deplatform Attacks & Cancel Culture. 


Jesse Hirsh

Futurist, researcher and public speaker, Jesse Hirsh has been active in technology and commenting on it across the media for 25 years. His premium newsletter service operates from


Charles Hugh Smith

Charles Hugh Smith is the author of numerous books and writes from