Latest Issues of #AxisOfEasy
Putting this all together, it’s clear that the source of the current housing bubble is the explosion of financial speculation fueled by central bank policies. Those benefiting from speculative bubbles have powerful incentives to deny the bubble can bust.
Read it »It’s very difficult to find common ground that supports cooperation in the disintegrative stage of scarcities, rising prices, catastrophically centralized power and social discord.
Read it »The mercantilist dependence on exports for growth, a winner for the past 70 years, has reached diminishing returns. Rather than be a source of growth, it’s a source of stagnation. Conventional wisdom holds that geopolitical power is inevitably shifting from West to East. It isn’t quite this simple.
Read it »It’s time to reprogram the conditions of the economy to serve the many rather than the few. Star Trek’s Kobayashi Maru training exercise tests officer candidates’ response to a no-win scenario: any attempt to rescue the crippled ship’s crew results in the destruction of the candidate’s ship, while standing by and taking no action results in the loss of the Kobayashi Maru’s crew.
Read it »Facebook Messenger Scam: Millions Deceived,
Traveling Restrictions are Ending, but Cybercriminals are Taking Advantage of It,
Matthew Gatrel, Downthem Boss Goes to Prison … this and more in AofE #251
Every forecast or guess has one refreshing quality: one will be right and the rest will be wrong. What’s the difference between a forecast< and a guess? On one level, the answer is "none": the future is unknown and even the most informed forecast is still a guess.
Read it »The economy has reached an inflection point where everything that is unsustainable finally starts unraveling.Our economy is in a crisis that’s been brewing for decades. The Chinese characters for the English word are famously–and incorrectly–translated as danger and opportunity.
Read it »There would be some deliciously karmic justice in the “dumb money” driving a rally that forced the “smart money” to cover their shorts and chase the rally that shouldn’t even be happening. Being cursed with contrarianism, as soon as a trade gets crowded and the consensus is one way, I start looking for whatever is considered so unlikely that it’s essentially “impossible.”
Read it »Attacking 5G via network slices: A new emerging threat,
New Linux Malware ‘Nearly Impossible to Detect,’
Anonymous hacktivists leaks 1TB of data from Russian law firm Rustam Kurmaev and Partner
… this and more in AofE #250
Workers are voting with their feet, and that’s difficult to control. When values and expectations change, everything else eventually changes, too. What happens when the workforce no longer wants to work? We’re about to find out.
Read it »Every individual and entity seeking to maximize their private gain by prostituting themselves to the government is, well, prostituting themselves to the government. The free-money PPP “loan” obtained by a prostitute frequented by Hunter Biden offers a vividly teachable insight into American capitalism:
Read it »If there was only one causal factor nudging the economy into recession, it might be a mild, brief recession. But with all five conditions in confluence, this recession will be unlike any other. Recessions reliably arise from the confluence of these conditions. Note that any one condition can trigger a recession, but no one condition guarantees a recession. Severe, long-lasting recessions occur when multiple conditions arise at the same time.
Read it »FBI issues Warning About Donations for Ukrainian Charities,
YODA: Malicious WordPress Plugins Installed in Over 24,000 Sites,
Unreasonably Suspicious: The Reason Ottawa Wants to Check Your Phone at The Border
… this and more in AofE #249
For everyone left out of the Fed’s hyper-financialized, hyper-globalized, hyper-inequality “new prosperity,” there’s always the bargain salmon cassarole. The latest issue of New Prosperity Magazine addresses the Fed’s “Goldilocks” inflation and the coming crack-up boom.
Read it »The more kafkaesque quagmires you’ve slogged through, the more you hope “pay-to-play for the rest of us” becomes ubiquitous. You know how “pay-to-play” works: contribute a couple of million dollars to key political players, and then get your tax break, subsidy, no-bid contract, etc., slipped into some nook or cranny of the legislative process that few (if any) will notice because the legislation is hundreds of pages long or a “gut and replace” magic wand was wielded at the last minute.
Read it »When nobody cares that systems have broken down and there is no will or interest in fixing essential systems, there is no happy ending. Who fixes systems when they break down? The answer appears to be: nobody. Here are three everyday examples from my own life, breakdowns which may be random and rare but which the odds suggest are systemic.
Read it »A Crypto Hack is More Than a Niche Issue; It Impacts Society As a Whole,
Vulnerability in Premium WordPress Themes Causes Site takeover,
… this and more in AofE #248
Only those societies which still have a functional public interest / common good will survive; those ruled by the tyranny of self-interest discussed the moral rot consuming the American Project in blog posts and my books. This moral rot–perhaps better described as civic decay–is so pervasive and ubiquitous that we are forgiven for assuming “this is the way it’s always been.”
Read it »Thank you very much for considering this beggar’s banquet. OK, I get it: money’s tight. A great many bets and certainties have turned to dust. 401K accounts have been decimated and the level of uncertainty about the future is pegged to 11.
Read it »The sooner we start preparing for degrowth, the better off we’ll be. A Chinese proverb captures this succinctly: By the time you’re thirsty, it’s too late to dig a well. Let’s consider livelihood options in an unsustainable economy of extremes that are unraveling, an economy that is being forced to transition to Degrowth.
Read it »The realization that we’re not actually being represented at the federal level has eroded the consent of the governed for the national government. The foundation of any government is the consent of the governed. Democracies and republics are founded on the consent of the governed earned via representational or direct democracy: those who have a say and a stake in the system will give their consent to the government, even if an opposing view is in the majority because their opinion is part of the governance structure.
Read it »Democratic senators call on the FTC to investigate over selfie data,
Cybergang threatens to topple Costa Rica’s government with a ransomware attack,
Hackers from North Korea pretend to be IT employees in the US… this and more in AofE #247
Our economy is not resilient or antifragile, it’s a fragile sand castle of debt and denial. What could go off the cliff that hasn’t already gone off the cliff?
Read it »The right of free speech should not be confused with an obligation for privately owned enterprises to allow spamming and spoofing under the guise of free speech. The problem of bots on Twitter is in the news. This is of course a problem in all social media: fake accounts, spamming accounts, spoofing (expropriating your identity) accounts, and so on, all courtesy of anonymous account creation.
Read it »Contributors
Mark E. Jeftovic
Mark is the co-founder of easyDNS and the editor-in-chief of #AxisOfEasy. He is the author of Managing Mission Critical Domains & DNS (Packt UK, 2018) and Unassailable: Protect Yourself from Deplatform Attacks & Cancel Culture.
The Canadian Bitcoiners
Joey Tweets and Len the Lengend are the hosts of The Canadian Bitcoiners Podcast, and you may recognize them as the voices (and faces) behing the AxisOfEasy Podcast.
Charles Hugh Smith
Charles Hugh Smith is the author of numerous books and writes from