
Latest Issues of #AxisOfEasy

I’m Looking for 10 Readers Willing to Pony Up a Few Bucks for the Crazy-Valuable Content Here

By Charles Hugh Smith | May 2, 2024 | 0 Comments
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Sound of coins rattling in a battered bowl.

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Labor Rising: Will Class Identity Finally Matter Again?

By Charles Hugh Smith | May 1, 2024 | 0 Comments
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That this level of incendiary outrage has seeped into the mainstream media tells us that
the bill for America’s gluttony of inequality is long overdue.

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China and the U.S.: What Matters That’s Overlooked

By Charles Hugh Smith | April 29, 2024 | 0 Comments
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Parsing geopolitics is fun but our attention is better directed to the limits and second-order effects of legacy systems in each of the rival states.

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#AxisOfEasy 347: AI Censorship Crisis Escalates As Chatbots Silence Controversial Voices

By Mark E. Jeftovic | April 26, 2024 | 1 Comment
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… this and more in AofE #347

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The Ghetto-ization of American Life

By Charles Hugh Smith | April 25, 2024 | 0 Comments
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Behind the facade of normalization, even high-income lifestyles have been ghetto-ized.

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Cities’ "Doom Loops" Are Even Worse Than You Imagined

By Charles Hugh Smith | April 24, 2024 | 0 Comments
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This is why those who understand these dynamics are getting out, even though the city was their home.

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Is the ‘Housing Shortage’ the Result of Housing-Hoarding by the Wealthy?

By Charles Hugh Smith | April 22, 2024 | 0 Comments
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Those seeking to buy a house as shelter for their household can’t compete with the wealthy seeking assets to snap up and hoard for appreciation.

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#AxisOfEasy 346: Roku Declares 576,000 Accounts Hacked Post Second Security Breach

By Mark E. Jeftovic | April 19, 2024 | 5 Comments
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Roku Declares 576,000 Accounts Hacked Post Second Security Breach,
Kaspersky Researchers Discover LockBit 3.0 Variant Generates Custom, Self-Propagating Malware,
Study maps which countries the most cybercriminals are based in, Canada not even in Top 15… this and more in AofE #346

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Living on Uneasy Street

By Charles Hugh Smith | April 19, 2024 | 0 Comments
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It’s nice to anticipate sunny weather, but it’s a good idea to carry an umbrella just in case the forecasts prove overly optimistic.

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The Spear in AI’s Back

By Charles Hugh Smith | April 17, 2024 | 0 Comments
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That real harm will result from the use of AI tools is a given.

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Financial Forecast 2025-2032: Please Don’t Be Naive

By Charles Hugh Smith | April 15, 2024 | 0 Comments
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Rather than attempt to evade Caesar’s reach, a better strategy might be to ‘go gray’: blend in, appear average.

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#AxisOfEasy 345: Hackers Exploit Fake Facebook MidJourney AI Page To Promote Malware To 1.2M People

By Mark E. Jeftovic | April 12, 2024 | 7 Comments
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Hackers Exploit Fake Facebook MidJourney AI Page to Promote Malware to 1.2M People,
US Lawmakers Introduce Federal Data Privacy Law,
Hacker Leaks 8.5M U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Contact Data, CISA Claims Data Already Publicly Available … this and more in AofE #345

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Sound Money Vs. Fiat Currency: Trade and Credit Are the Wild Cards

By Charles Hugh Smith | April 11, 2024 | 0 Comments
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We need to start thinking outside the current system, which has no solutions.

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Could US Treasuries Become the Trade of the Decade?

By Charles Hugh Smith | April 9, 2024 | 0 Comments
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The expediencies and policy extremes have yet to be explored, much less exploited.

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Staving Off Revolution

By Charles Hugh Smith | April 7, 2024 | 0 Comments
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If the leadership chooses happy-story PR and toothless reforms for show in the hopes it will all blow over, these subterfuges have the potential to push dissatisfaction beyond the point of control.

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Using IPFS to Distribute Uncensorable Content

By Mark E. Jeftovic | April 5, 2024 | 0 Comments
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Climate The Movie: The Cold Truth is causing a stir across the internet and bringing the cancel-culture deplatformers out in droves. With InterPlanetary File System, we can put any content beyond the reach of self-appointed censors for good.

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#AxisOfEasy 344: Telecom Giant AT&T Says Personal Data From 73M Accounts Has Been Leaked Onto The Dark Web

By Mark E. Jeftovic | April 5, 2024 | 1 Comment
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Telecom Giant AT&T says Personal Data from 73M Accounts has been Leaked onto the Dark Web,
Exposed: Jeffrey Epstein’s Island Visitors Tracked and Revealed,
Israel’s Action Against Al Jazeera Sparks Free Speech Debate … this and more in AofE #344

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What Orwell and Huxley Got Wrong and Kafka Got Right

By Charles Hugh Smith | April 3, 2024 | 0 Comments
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What Kafka got right is how societies can become busily dysfunctional.

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YOLO Spending, Inflation and the Wisdom/Madness of Crowds

By Charles Hugh Smith | April 2, 2024 | 0 Comments
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The harder the authorities and pundits push the “inflation is under control” narrative, the faster they erode public trust and confidence in the future value of labor and “money.”

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Fed to Offer Every Household $1 Million from its New Discount Window

By Charles Hugh Smith | April 1, 2024 | 0 Comments
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Imagine the impact of the Fed’s new policy on the bottom 50% of American households, who currently own near-zero financial assets.

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#AxisOfEasy 343: What Is Money? Decoding The Finance Code With easyDNS CEO Mark Jeftovic

By Mark E. Jeftovic | March 29, 2024 | 3 Comments
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What is Money? Decoding the Finance Code with easyDNS CEO Mark Jeftovic,
Spanish High Court Suspends Order to Block Telegram while Awaiting Police Report,
Google’s Directive to Disclose Viewers of Targeted YouTube Videos … this and more in AofE #343

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Fire, Then Ice: Our Deflationary Future

By Charles Hugh Smith | March 29, 2024 | 0 Comments
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Lest you weep for those whose phantom wealth will be drained away, recall that few win when a reserve currency dies. Labor can start earning the day after the reset, but the capital lost is gone for good.

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Deep State Good, Total Surveillance State Even Better

By Charles Hugh Smith | March 28, 2024 | 0 Comments
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So the Deep State is good, but the Total Surveillance State is even better.

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Our Economy and Politics Are Broken

By Charles Hugh Smith | March 25, 2024 | 0 Comments
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Awakening from the dream of painless financial / political solutions, we find the status quo is not the solution, it is the source of our decay.

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#AxisOfEasy 342: Large Scale Data Breach Exposes Info Of Nearly Half Of France’s Working Population

By Mark E. Jeftovic | March 22, 2024 | 2 Comments
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Large Scale Data Breach Exposes Info of Nearly Half of France’s Working Population,
875 Workers Liberated by Filipino Police from Slavery After Falling for Promises of Lucrative Work,
After Cyberattack, Malawi Passport System Bounces Back Online … this and more in AofE #342

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Mark E. Jeftovic

Mark E. Jeftovic

Mark is the co-founder of easyDNS and the editor-in-chief of #AxisOfEasy. He is the author of Managing Mission Critical Domains & DNS (Packt UK, 2018) and Unassailable: Protect Yourself from Deplatform Attacks & Cancel Culture. 

The Canadian Bitcoiners

The Canadian Bitcoiners

Joey Tweets and Len the Lengend are the hosts of The Canadian Bitcoiners Podcast, and you may recognize them as the voices (and faces) behing the AxisOfEasy Podcast. CanadianBitcoiners.com

Charles Hugh Smith

Charles Hugh Smith

Charles Hugh Smith is the author of numerous books and writes from OfTwoMinds.com.