Latest Issues of #AxisOfEasy
The heretical truth is that many of the “consumption rituals” that signified “prosperity” for decades are either meaningless, unaffordable or require way more effort than the meager payoff is worth.
Of all the economic heresies imaginable, perhaps the most heretical is to recognize what we label “prosperity” as increasingly meaningless rituals more akin with Soviet-era staged parades than actual well-being.
Read it »Just as time is a one-way arrow, “the politicization of everything” is a one-way road to dissolution and collapse.
The essence of any Totalitarian society is the politicization of everything, as everything must be either supporting the status quo or it’s a threat to the status quo.
Read it »The “take this job and shove it” exodus is silently gathering momentum.
The exodus out of cities is getting a lot of attention, but the exodus that will unravel our economic and social orders is getting zero attention: the exodus from work.
Read it »FTC is preparing anti-trust case against Facebook
Facebook sued for watching Instagram users through their device camera
Suspicious activity spotted on previously hacked CRA accounts and more in AofE #164
After a bout of inflation and “socialism-light”, we could end up with even more extreme inequality when the whole rotten structure collapses.
Imagine owning a Buffett-Bezos fortune of bilious billions, or even 10% of these mega-fortunes, i.e. between $5 billion and $20 billion. Heck, imagine owning 1% of these mega-fortunes, i.e. $500 million to $2 billion.
You’re extremely rich so you can buy the best advice.
Read it »Do you hear the pathetic bleating of America’s billionaires and their army of toadies?If not, you soon will, for a remarkable report has been released that documents the $50 trillion in earnings that’s been transferred to the Financial Aristocracy from the bottom 90% of American households in the past 45 years.
Read it »Those who don’t see the fragmentation, the scarcities and the battlelines being drawn will be surprised by the acceleration of the unraveling.
Read it »It can’t get much more 2020 than this: Los Vegas based fraud prevention start-up, NS8, who just raised $123 million from the VC firm Lightspeed, just fired nearly everybody via an all hands Zoom meeting, and disclosed that they…
Read it »This is why inflation will rip everyone’s faces off: production will continue to stagnate no matter how many trillions the Federal Reserve prints and throws around.This is how market capitalism is supposed to work: consumers decide…
Read it »The banquet of consequences for the Fed, the elites and their armies of parasitic flunkies and factotums is being laid out, and there won’t be much choice in the seating.Words can be debased just like currencies. Take the word sacrifice. The&…
Read it »easyDNS announces DKIM support on all easyMail accounts
DHS proposes expansion of biometric data for immigrants
AI pretends to confess “I will not be able to avoid destroying mankind” and more in AofE #163
Why do we tolerate such a corrupt, undemocratic, exploitive, elite-dominated system? Because we have no other choice? No, we do have a choice.Isn’t it obvious that we need an alternative economic system that isn’t controlled by corporations, the govern…
Read it »When the money runs out or loses its purchasing power, all sorts of complexity that were previously viewed as essential crumble to dust.Four D’s will define 2020-2025: derealization, denormalization, decomplexification and decoherence. That’s a lo…
Read it »The “system” known as a city, now bloated and overgrown by decades of mal-investment, will be forced to become self-supporting.So let’s look at the urban exodus that’s exciting so much commentary. Two essays pin each end of the urba…
Read it »While the Federal Reserve and the Billionaire Class push the stock market to new highs to promote a false facade of prosperity, everyday life will fall apart.How will the status quo collapse? An open conflict–a civil war, an insurrection, a coup-…
Read it »Contributors

Mark E. Jeftovic
Mark is the co-founder of easyDNS and the editor-in-chief of #AxisOfEasy. He is the author of Managing Mission Critical Domains & DNS (Packt UK, 2018) and Unassailable: Protect Yourself from Deplatform Attacks & Cancel Culture.

The Canadian Bitcoiners
Joey Tweets and Len the Lengend are the hosts of The Canadian Bitcoiners Podcast, and you may recognize them as the voices (and faces) behing the AxisOfEasy Podcast.

Charles Hugh Smith
Charles Hugh Smith is the author of numerous books and writes from