Latest Issues of #AxisOfEasy
So what can we do about all this when our politics, regulation and policies are all captured? We go directly to the source of value, which is demand.Editor’s note: This is a guest post by my friend and colleague Zeus Yiamouyiannis, Ph.D., who has …
Read it »Sendgrid account hack leads to spike in spam levels, Police increasingly want access to smart speaker recordings,
Blame Canada: Centurylink outage cascades across major internet providers and more in #161
LENDING is now the sucker’s game.Editor’s note: This is a guest post by my friend and colleague Zeus Yiamouyiannis, Ph.D., who has contributed essays to Of Two Minds since 2009.So this is the program: Devalue or deflate everything owned by the “li…
Read it »The gravy train will have to stop at some point, but right now the global elites have pushed their chips on to the U.S. dollar and stocks.Editor’s note: This is a guest post by my friend and colleague Zeus Yiamouyiannis, Ph.D., who has contributed…
Read it »Not only have the billionaire class made money, they have tightened their monopolistic grip on the levers of money supply and distribution, turning a global rigged casino into a global company town.Editor’s note: This is a guest post by my friend …
Read it »The extremes are not visible to the vast majority of participants, and so they are exposed to high levels of risk they don’t see or understand.The question “Is the weather becoming more extreme?” opens up endless debates because our perceptions ma…
Read it »Class wars are the inevitable result of an economic system in which ‘anything goes if you’re rich enough and winners take most’. The traditional class war has been waged between wage-earners (who sell their labor) and their employers (owners of ca…
Read it »World grinds to a halt as Zoom crashes globally, Facebook testing “virality” circuit breaker, Copywriters brace for “GPT-3 shock” as Microsoft replaces journalists with AI plus more.
Read it »The problem is the economy that’s left has no means of creating tens of millions of jobs to replace those lost as the 1959 economic model collapses.Fundamentally, the economy of 2019 was not very different from the economy of 1959: people went sho…
Read it »They may just opt out of the whole insane charade and stop paying the mountains of debt and stop trying to prop up the deranging pretense of middle-class snobbery.Though many blame Donald Trump for dividing the nation, the nation was already disunited….
Read it »All those who believe the ‘privatized totalitarianism’ of Big Tech ‘platform plantations’ are ‘capitalism’ have been brainwashed into servitude by Big Tech’s pretense of capitalism.What do you call an economy of monopolies without competition or any re…
Read it »The sands beneath what’s scarce and what’s over-abundant are shifting.On a recent visit to the welding shop where my niece’s husband works, I asked him if they had enough welders for their workload. His answer surprised me: “If you asked every wel…
Read it »Thus do the lazy complacent passengers drift inexorably toward the cataracts of collapse just ahead.The boat ride down to the waterfall of systemic collapse is not dramatic, it’s lazy drifting: a lazy complacency that doing more of what worked in …
Read it »Thus do the lazy complacent passengers drift inexorably toward the cataracts of collapse just ahead.The boat ride down to the waterfall of systemic collapse is not dramatic, it’s lazy drifting: a lazy complacency that doing more of what worked in …
Read it »Microsoft waited two years to fix 0-day it knew was being actively exploited, Canada’s COVID-19 contact tracing app now available, and why I installed it, Canada Revenue Agency shuts down online services after cyber attack..and more!
Read it »Triffin’s Paradox demands painful trade-offs to issue a reserve currency, and it demands the issuing central bank serve two competing audiences and markets.Judging by the headlines and pundit chatter, the U.S. dollar is about to slide directly to zero….
Read it »On Friday, August 14th, Infowars reporter Millie Weaver released a documentary called ShadowGate, which alleges that a private contractor complex within the USA accessed and manipulated data, promulgated false narratives and waged psychological operations against individuals and groups both within the US and worldwide.
That same day she was also arrested…
Read it »It’s Do-or-Die, Deep State: Either Strangle the Stock Market Rally Now or Cede the Election to Trump
With only 56 trading days and fewer than 80 calendar days to the election, the Deep State camps seeking to torpedo Trump’s re-election have reached the do-or-die point.Back in June I speculated that the only way the Deep State could deep-six Trump’s re…
Read it »This is why denormalization is an extinction event for much of our high-cost, high-complexity, heavily regulated economy.A collapse of major chunks of the economy is widely viewed as “impossible” because the federal government can borrow and spend unli…
Read it »Here’s what denormalization means: there was no “New Normal” for the dinosaurs.Everyone talks about the “New Normal,” as if there’s a guarantee that life will return to normal. But the “New Normal” is De-Normalization, which I defin…
Read it »Contributors
Mark E. Jeftovic
Mark is the co-founder of easyDNS and the editor-in-chief of #AxisOfEasy. He is the author of Managing Mission Critical Domains & DNS (Packt UK, 2018) and Unassailable: Protect Yourself from Deplatform Attacks & Cancel Culture.
The Canadian Bitcoiners
Joey Tweets and Len the Lengend are the hosts of The Canadian Bitcoiners Podcast, and you may recognize them as the voices (and faces) behing the AxisOfEasy Podcast.
Charles Hugh Smith
Charles Hugh Smith is the author of numerous books and writes from