

When AI is just a puppet

April 14, 2021

The mythology of technology is powerful, but also kind of superficial. It usually doesn’t take much to move past the marketing and vapour ware to understand whether a tool is useful or not. With AI this has been a bit more challenging, as the opaqueness of the tech often makes it difficult for us to scrutinize or understand what is taking place behind the scenes. Similarly the language and hype around AI deliberately hides or downplays the role of humans in making these automated systems work.


#AxisOfEasy 191: Canada Wants To Censor Insults Against Politicians, Implement Internet Killswitch

April 13, 2021

New easyDNS Network Status Page is now live,
Amazon warehouse workers vote against union (suspect much can prove nothing),
New attack can lock you out of WhatsApp and more in this week’s Axis of Easy # 191


Buy the tech you need now if you can

April 13, 2021

Ever since the pandemic hit early last year, supply chains have been stressed, and consumer demand has exhibited herd characteristics. In response to the crisis, and perhaps as a result of our increased time at home and on social media, demand is often exceeding supply when it comes to items that a lot of people all of a sudden really need.


The "Helicopter Parent" Fed and the Fatal Crash of Risk

April 12, 2021

All the risks generated by gambling with trillions of borrowed and leveraged dollars didn’t actually vanish; they were transferred by the Fed to the entire system. The Federal Reserve is the nation’s Helicopter Parent, saving everyone from the consequences of their actions.


Is a Cultural Revolution Brewing in America?

April 9, 2021

The lesson of China’s Cultural Revolution in my view is that once the lid blows off, everything that was linear (predictable) goes non-linear (unpredictable). There is a whiff of unease in the air as beneath the cheery veneer of free money for almost everyone, inequality and polarization are rapidly consuming what’s left of common ground in America.


What Could Go Awry?

April 7, 2021

All of which sounds very pretty indeed, but it does raise a question: can risk really be destroyed, or can it only be transferred? And if it can only be transferred, then what’s it been transferred to? What a remarkable moment in time: every asset is lofting higher, with no limits in sight.




Mark E. Jeftovic

Mark is the co-founder of easyDNS and the editor-in-chief of #AxisOfEasy. He is the author of Managing Mission Critical Domains & DNS (Packt UK, 2018) and Unassailable: Protect Yourself from Deplatform Attacks & Cancel Culture. 


Jesse Hirsh

Futurist, researcher and public speaker, Jesse Hirsh has been active in technology and commenting on it across the media for 25 years. His premium newsletter service operates from


Charles Hugh Smith

Charles Hugh Smith is the author of numerous books and writes from