Latest Issues of #AxisOfEasy
Concern over rise in number of phishing attempts: Dropbox breach of 130 GitHub repositories claimed as latest victim,
Robert McElvaine wants newspapers and the media to choose sides in this election,
Man who had $3.36 billion in Bitcoins stashed in his home, found by the police, … this and more in AofE #272
You want to fix the world with finance? Then fix this: wages’ share of a financialized, globalized, speculative-bubble dependent economy have been falling for decades. Fix this and you really will change the world. Anything less changes nothing.
Read it »When bubbles pop, it’s natural selection at its most unforgiving: “adapt or die,” and those who ignore or discount consequential asymmetries will have a very difficult time navigating the triage.
Read it »It’s certainly possible to be disgusted, but being disabused of the fantasy that the system is self-correcting is the healthier perspective. I used to be disgusted, now I’m disabused: beneath all the self-serving narratives, fad-memes and over-simplifications regurgitated as serious analysis, these are the core dynamics I see: 1. Imperial corruption of democracy and open markets.
Read it »But in the meantime, enjoy the political theatrics down on the sand-strewn floor of the Coliseum. While the much-touted differences between America’s political parties get obsessive, hysterical attention, the sameness of Imperial corruption, waste and squalor regardless of who’s in power gets little notice.
Read it »No, Mark Jeftovic is not trying to pump cryptos in your Twitter DMs,
Latest Hacking Attempt on Liz Truss’ Phone Raises Concerns about the State of British Government Cybersecurity,
Freedom of Speech Concerns Following Department of Homeland Security’s Move Towards Fighting Disinformation Online, this and more in AofE #271
Decades of central bank distortions and regulatory / market-share capture by cartels and monopolies have completely gutted “markets,” destroying their self-correcting dynamics. Unintended consequences introduce unexpected problems that may not have easy solutions.
Read it »Central bank gaming of Finance is the source of instability. The era of all-powerful central banks is over for a simple reason: they failed: they failed their citizens, their nations, and they failed the world. Their policies have pushed wealth and income inequality to extremes that have destabilized the planet’s social, political, economic and environmental spheres.
Read it »TechCrunch’s Analysis of TheTruthSpy and the State of other Stalkerware Apps,
Mark Sokolovsky, Alleged 26-year-old Behind Global “Raccoon InfoStealer” Malware, Charged by FBI,
Project Texas: How TikTok Responds to Its First Big Crisis… this and more in AofE #270
What’s different now? Quite a few fundamentals are consequentially different. The closest thing to a guarantee in finance is the truism that recessions always follow Treasury bond yield inversions, where short-term bond yields exceed longer-duration bond yields.
Read it »Liberation in the real world is the result of self-reliance and investing in our own well-being. Liberation has many contexts. It can mean being freed from imprisonment or servitude, freedom from gnawing want or oppression, or being liberated from prisons of the mind.
Read it »#AxisOfEasy 269: British Lawmakers Passed A Bill Allowing Protesters To Be Tagged Without Conviction
British lawmakers passed a bill allowing protesters to be tagged without conviction,
Florida man imprisoned in Saudi Arabia for tweeting about Jamal Khashoggi,
Cyber Security Chief of Germany Got Laid-Off Due to Ties with Russia … this and more in AofE #269
Everyone caught by surprise that the infinite road actually has an end will face a bewildering transition. The End of the “Growth” Road is upon us, though the consensus continues to hold fast to the endearing fantasy of infinite expansion of consumption.
Read it »So-called “cosmetic work” can cost tens of thousands of dollars. Now that housing is finally rolling over due to rising mortgage rates and bubble valuations, many of those who have been priced out of the market are hoping to take advantage of lower prices.
Read it »NYT conspiracy theory comes true in less than 24 hours,
PayPal continues to threaten its user with a $2,500 fine for promoting “discriminatory intolerance,”
Religious freedom group’s account closed by JPMorgan Chase donor list demanded … this and more in AofE #268
What nobody yet knows (or the few insiders who do know are keeping to themselves) is what will matter. Being a doom-and-gloom Bear stops being fun when the Bear Bar gets crowded.
Read it »Trying to restore a system that is spiraling away from equilibrium with new extremes of obsolete, misguided policies only accelerates the swings from apparent stability to cascading chaos. The conventional view of the market is there are two sides to every trade and one is right and the other is wrong.
Read it »The White House unveiled a blueprint for an AI “Bill of Rights” to safeguard the American public’s rights,
PayPal’s new policy to fine $2,500 for disagreeing with their narrative a ‘mistake,’
Twitter deletes, then reinstates tweet from Florida Surgeon General … this and more in AofE #267
Everything’s fixed except what’s no longer profitable to plunder. Underfunded, ignored, mismanaged by incompetents, it breaks. Everything’s fixed–except what’s broken. Hmm. Maybe we need to read that again.
Read it »Echoing Sun Tzu (“All warfare is based on deception”), successful central banking is based on deception masked by a torrent of transparency. One classic form of manipulation is to set up a false either / or choice, as if there are no other choices.
Read it »The unraveling of hyper-Globalization and hyper-Financialization will generate consequences few conventional analysts and pundits anticipate.
Read it »Thunderbird receives a security update from Mozilla,
Software developer Connor Tumbleson reveals how someone attempted to land Upwork contracts by pretending to be him,
Scammers targeted Fortune 500s with Fake CISO LinkedIn profile … this and more in AofE #266
Plunder is fun until everything has been plundered. Nothing is infinite except greed and credulity. Unfortunately, neither greed nor credulity can build a sustainable, productive economy. We blew it: rather than investing in a sustainable mix of energy and in increasing the productivity of labor and industrial processes, we squandered irreplaceable oceans of capital and credit in oh-so profitable skims and scams such as $10 trillion in stock buybacks and completely unproductive speculative absurdities.
Read it »If those on the opposite side of the trade are viewed as threats rather than friends, it’s time to revise the analysis. Of the many self-generated dangers investors face, few are more dangerous than confirmation bias, the comfort we experience seeking out views that confirm our own positions and our resistance to studying opposing views.
Read it »Self-reliance in the 21st century is uniquely challenging because we’ve become overly dependent on globalization and financialization. As things unravel, the one surefire strategy is to chart a course for greater self-reliance. Improving self-reliance has no downside, only upside, and everyone can increase their self-reliance incrementally in small ways.
Read it »Contributors
Mark E. Jeftovic
Mark is the co-founder of easyDNS and the editor-in-chief of #AxisOfEasy. He is the author of Managing Mission Critical Domains & DNS (Packt UK, 2018) and Unassailable: Protect Yourself from Deplatform Attacks & Cancel Culture.
The Canadian Bitcoiners
Joey Tweets and Len the Lengend are the hosts of The Canadian Bitcoiners Podcast, and you may recognize them as the voices (and faces) behing the AxisOfEasy Podcast.
Charles Hugh Smith
Charles Hugh Smith is the author of numerous books and writes from